# Function Description

Get material information based on material id

# Request

# Request example

GET /material/info HTTPS
Host: <host>
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: <AuthString>
Cache-Control: 'no-cache'

# Request Headers

Name Description Type Mandatory
Authorization User token information string true

# Request Parameters

Name Description Type Required
uuid id of the material string yes

# Request Body


# Response

# Response Header

No special response header

# Response Body

  "code": 0,
  "enMsg": "success",
  "msg": "成功",
  "data": {
    "id": "E09D121E-A9AC-49B2-BD9D-1C0E8B20601C",
    "materialType": 19,
    "categoryCustom": 0,
    "version": 1,
    "displayName": "vvv",
    "displayNamezhCN": "ccc",
    "packageUrl": "https://alieasset.meishesdk.com/test/material/template/E09D121E-A9AC-49B2-BD9D-1C0E8B20601C/E09D121E-A9AC-49B2-BD9D-1C0E8B20601C.template",
    "coverUrl": "https://alieasset.meishesdk.com/test/material/template/E09D121E-A9AC-49B2-BD9D-1C0E8B20601C/E09D121E-A9AC-49B2-BD9D-1C0E8B20601C.jpg",
    "supportedAspectRatio": 1,
    "demoUrl": "https://alieasset.meishesdk.com/editor/2022/04/29/video/f032593fed3649ea94c0c610c67d70c6/f032593fed3649ea94c0c610c67d70c6.mp4",
    "demoDuration": 30000,
    "stringValue": "",
    "lastUpdateTime": null,
    "tags": "",
    "tagsZhCN": "",
    "licenseUrl": "https://alieasset.meishesdk.com/test/material/template/E09D121E-A9AC-49B2-BD9D-1C0E8B20601C/E09D121E-A9AC-49B2-BD9D-1C0E8B20601C.lic",
    "sizeLevel": 540
Name Description Type Value Description
id uuid of the asset string unique identifier
materialType type of material int 1-19
categoryCustom Material custom classification int 0-MAXINT
version The version number of the material int 1-MAXINT
displayName English name of the material string Non-empty means it has been set
displayNamezhCN Chinese name of the material string Non-empty means it has been set
packageUrl Link to material string Non-empty means set
coverUrl The cover link of the material string Non-empty means it has been set
supportedAspectRatio The resolution supported by the material int The bitwise OR of the resolution enumeration values,
demoUrl Demo video link of material string non-empty means set
demoDuration The duration of the material demonstration video, in milliseconds int Non-0 means it has been set
stringValue material's attachment information string non-empty means it has been set
lastUpdateTime The update time of the material string Non-empty means it has been set
tags English tags of the material string Non-empty means set
tagsZhCN Chinese tags of the material string Non-empty means set
licenseUrl The license file link of the material string Non-empty means it has been set
sizeLevel The frame size suitable for the material int 540, 720, 1080
Material Resolution Value Meaning
1 16:9
2 1:1
4 9:16
8 4:3
16 3:4
32 18:9
64 9:18

Failure response body:

  "code": -1,
  "enMsg": "failed",
  "msg": "失败"