MeiCam SDK For iOS  3.13.1
Infomation of The Audio and Video File

NvsAVFileInfo is the class of audio and video file information, including the duration of audio and video, file type, data rate, count of video streams, count of audio streams, and corresponding interfaces to obtain other attribute information. After adding all the clips, if users want to obtain the audio and video file information of a clip,they need to find the corresponding audio and video clip object. The operation of acquiring an audio clip object is as follows:

1.Users can get the corresponding video track by the interface of getVideoTrackByIndex() or the audio track by the interface of getAudioTrackByIndex() on the timeline.

2.Users can get the corresponding video clip by the interface of getClipWithIndex() or the audio clip by the interface of getClipWithIndex() on the track.

3.Each clip object can get the file path of the clip by the property of filePath, Then users can call getAVFileInfo: through the NvsStreamingContext class to get the corresponding file attribute information . Note: The input parameter of getAVFileInfo is The file path of the obtained clip object.