MeiCam SDK For iOS  3.10.0
Instance Methods | Properties | List of all members
NvsClipCaption Class Reference

Clip captions. More...

#import <NvsClipCaption.h>

Inheritance diagram for NvsClipCaption:
NvsCaption NvsFx NvsObject

Instance Methods

(int64_t) - changeInPoint:
 Changes the in-point of the caption on the Clip. More...
(int64_t) - changeOutPoint:
 Changes the out-point of the caption on the Clip. More...
(void) - movePosition:
 Changes the display position of the caption on the Clip (the in and out points are offset from the offset value at the same time). More...
(void) - setAbsoluteTimeUsed:
 Set the caption in and out point to absolute time. More...
(bool) - getAbsoluteTimeUsed
 Get whether the caption in and out point is absolute time. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from NvsCaption
(bool) - applyCaptionStyle:
 Apply the caption style. More...
(bool) - applyModularCaptionContext:
 Applys modular caption context style. More...
(bool) - applyModularCaptionRenderer:
 Applys modular caption render style. More...
(bool) - applyModularCaptionAnimation:
 Applys modular caption loop-animation style. More...
(bool) - applyModularCaptionInAnimation:
 Applys modular caption in-animation style. Notes:please set loop-Animation to null before you set in-animation, otherwise it will NOT works. More...
(bool) - applyModularCaptionOutAnimation:
 Applys modular caption out-animation style.Notes:please set loop-Animation to null before you set out-animation, otherwise it will NOT works. More...
(void) - setModularCaptionAnimationPeroid:
 Set modular caption Animation Peroid. More...
(int) - getModularCaptionAnimationPeroid
 Get modular caption Animation Peroid. More...
(void) - setModularCaptionInAnimationDuration:
 Set modular caption in-animation duration. More...
(int) - getModularCaptionInAnimationDuration
 Get modular caption in-animation duration. More...
(void) - setModularCaptionOutAnimationDuration:
 Set modular caption out-animation duration. More...
(int) - getModularCaptionOutAnimationDuration
 Get modular caption out-animation duration. More...
(bool) - applyCaptionStyleWithAssetDefaultParam:isUseDefaultAssetParam:
 apply the caption style. More...
(void) - setText:
 Set the caption text. More...
(NSString *) - getText
 Gets the caption text. More...
(void) - setVerticalLayout:
 Sets whether the caption is vertical layout. More...
(BOOL) - getVerticalLayout
 Gets the state whether the caption is vertical layout. More...
(void) - setTextAlignment:
 Sets the caption horizontal alignment method. More...
(NvsTextAlignment- getTextAlignment
 Gets the caption horizontal alignment method. More...
(void) - setTextVerticalAlignment:
 Sets the caption vertical alignment method, valid for frame-caption only. More...
(NvsTextAlignment- getTextVerticalAlignment
 Gets the caption vertical alignment method, valid for frame-caption only. More...
(void) - setBold:
 Sets whether the caption font is bold. More...
(BOOL) - getBold
 Gets the state whether the caption font is bold. More...
(void) - setWeight:
 Sets caption weight. More...
(int) - getWeight
 Gets the caption weight. More...
(void) - setItalic:
 Sets whether the caption font is italic. More...
(BOOL) - getItalic
 Gets the state whether the caption font is italic. More...
(void) - setUnderline:
 Sets caption under line. More...
(BOOL) - getUnderline
 Gets the caption under line. More...
(float) - getLetterSpacing
 Gets caption word spacing. More...
(void) - setLetterSpacing:
 Sets caption word spacing. More...
(NvsLetterSpacingType- getLetterSpacingType
 Gets caption word spacing type. More...
(void) - setLetterSpacingType:
 Sets caption word spacing type. More...
(float) - getLineSpacing
 Gets caption line spacing. More...
(void) - setLineSpacing:
 Sets caption line spacing. More...
(void) - setTextColor:
 Sets the color of the caption text. More...
(void) - resetTextColorState
 Resets the color state of the caption text. More...
(NvsColor- getTextColor
 Gets the current color value of the caption font. More...
(void) - setDrawOutline:
 Sets whether the caption draws the outline. More...
(BOOL) - getDrawOutline
 Gets the status whether the caption draws the outline. More...
(void) - setOutlineColor:
 Sets the color of the outline for the caption. More...
(NvsColor- getOutlineColor
 Gets the color of the outline for the caption. More...
(void) - resetOutlineColorState
 Resets the outlinecolor state of the caption text. More...
(void) - setOutlineWidth:
 Sets the width of the outline for the caption. More...
(float) - getOutlineWidth
 Gets the width of the outline for the caption. More...
(void) - setDrawShadow:
 Sets the caption shadows. More...
(BOOL) - getDrawShadow
 Gets the state of the current caption shadow. More...
(void) - setShadowColor:
 Sets the color of the caption shadow. More...
(NvsColor- getShadowColor
 Gets the color of the caption shadow. More...
(void) - setShadowOffset:
 Sets the offset of the caption shadow. More...
(CGPoint) - getShadowOffset
 Gets the offset of the caption shadow. More...
(void) - setShadowFeather:
 Sets the feathering degree of the caption shadow. More...
(float) - getShadowFeather
 Gets the feathering degree of the caption shadow. More...
(void) - setFontSize:
 Sets the font size of the caption. More...
(float) - getFontSize
 Gets the font size of the caption. More...
(void) - setFrameCaptionMaxFontSize:
 Sets the max font size of the frame caption. only apply to frame caption. More...
(void) - setFontWithFilePath:
 Sets the caption font. More...
(NSString *) - getFontFilePath
 Gets the file path of the caption font. More...
(NSString *) - getFontFamily
 Gets the caption font. More...
(void) - setFontFamily:
 Sets the caption font. More...
(void) - setCaptionTranslation:
 Sets the translation amount of the caption. More...
(CGPoint) - getCaptionTranslation
 Gets the translation amount of the caption. More...
(void) - translateCaption:
 translates the caption. More...
(void) - setAnchorPoint:
 Sets the caption anchor. More...
(CGPoint) - getAnchorPoint
 Gets the caption anchor. More...
(void) - setScaleX:
 Sets the horizontal scaling factor for the caption. More...
(float) - getScaleX
 Gets the horizontal scaling factor for the caption. More...
(void) - setScaleY:
 Sets the vertical scaling factor for the caption. More...
(float) - getScaleY
 Gets the vertical scaling factor for the caption. More...
(void) - scaleCaption:anchor:
 Scales the caption. More...
(void) - setRotationZ:
 Sets the rotation angle for the caption. More...
(float) - getRotationZ
 Gets the rotation angle for the caption. More...
(void) - rotateCaption:anchor:
 Rotates the caption. More...
(void) - rotateCaption:
 Rotates the caption with the caption center point as the anchor point. More...
(void) - setTextFrameOriginRect:
 Set the original frame size of the frame caption. If the current caption is not a frame caption, this function has no effect. You can get origin frame size. More...
(NvsRect- getTextBoundingRect
 Gets the rectangle of the caption text. More...
(NSArray *) - getBoundingRectangleVertices
 Gets the vertex position of the original enclosing rectangle of the caption after transformation. More...
(NSArray *) - getCaptionBoundingVertices:
 Gets the transformed vertices position of the original caption bounding. More...
(void) - setCenterPolarAngle:
 Sets the polar angle of the center point for the caption. It's only valid for the panorama caption. More...
(float) - getCenterPolarAngle
 Gets the polar angle of the center point for the caption. It's only valid for the panorama caption. More...
(float) - getTextCenterPolarAngle
 Gets the polar angle of the center point for the caption text. It's only valid for the panorama caption. More...
(void) - setCenterAzimuthAngle:
 Sets the azimuth angle of the center point for the caption. It's only valid for the panorama caption. More...
(float) - getCenterAzimuthAngle
 Gets the azimuth angle of the center point for the caption. It's only valid for the panorama caption. More...
(float) - getTextCenterAzimuthAngle
 Gets the azimuth angle of the center point for the caption text. It's only valid for the panorama caption. More...
(void) - setPolarAngleRange:
 Sets the ranging angle of the polar angle for the caption. It's only valid for the panorama caption. More...
(float) - getPolarAngleRange
 Gets the ranging angle of the polar angle for the caption. It's only valid for the panorama caption. More...
(float) - getTextPolarAngleRange
 Gets the ranging angle of the polar angle for the caption text. It's only valid for the panorama caption. More...
(float) - getOrthoAngleRange
 Gets the ranging angle which is perpendicular with the polar angle for the caption. It's only valid for the panorama caption. More...
(float) - getTextOrthoAngleRange
 Gets the ranging angle of which is perpendicular with the polar angle for the caption text. It's only valid for the panorama caption. More...
(void) - setPanoramicScaleX:
 Sets the horizontal scaling factor for the caption. It's only valid for the panorama caption. More...
(float) - getPanoramicScaleX
 Gets the horizontal scaling factor for the caption. It's only valid for the panorama caption. More...
(void) - setPanoramicScaleY:
 Sets the vertical scaling factor for the caption. It's only valid for the panorama caption. More...
(float) - getPanoramicScaleY
 Gets the vertical scaling factor for the caption. It's only valid for the panorama caption. More...
(void) - setPanoramicRotation:
 Sets the rotation angle for the caption. It's only valid for the panorama caption. More...
(float) - getPanoramicRotation
 Gets the rotation angle for the caption. It's only valid for the panorama caption. More...
(void) - setZValue:
 Sets the Z value of the caption. More...
(float) - getZValue
 Gets the Z value of the caption. More...
(void) - setRecordingUserOperation:
 Sets whether to record user actions. More...
(void) - setOpacity:
 Set the caption opacity. More...
(float) - getOpacity
 Get the caption opacity. More...
(void) - setBackgroundColor:
 Set text background color. More...
(NvsColor- getBackgroundColor
 Get the current text background color value. More...
(void) - setBackgroundRadius:
 Set text background rectangle's corner radius. More...
(float) - getBackgroundRadius
 Get the current text background rectangle's corner radius value. More...
(void) - setBoundaryPaddingRatio:
 Sets the caption boundary padding ratio. More...
(float) - getBoundaryPaddingRatio
 Gets the caption boundary padding ratio. More...
(void) - setSecondaryColor:
 Sets caption secondary color. it is only used in karaoke subtitles now. More...
(NvsColor- getSecondaryColor
 Gets the current color value of the caption. More...
(void) - setSecondaryOutlineColor:
 Sets caption secondary outline color. it is only used in karaoke subtitles now. More...
(NvsColor- getSecondaryOutlineColor
 Gets the current outline sencondary color value of the caption. More...
(void) - setCurrentKeyFrameTime:
 Set the caption KeyFrameTime. More...
(bool) - setControlPoint:controlPointPair:
 Set the caption's control point pair. More...
(NvsControlPointPair *) - getControlPoint:
 Get the caption's key frame control point pair. More...
(BOOL) - isFrameCaption
 Gets whether the caption is a frame caption. More...
(void) - setTextSpanList:
(NSArray< NvsCaptionSpan * > *) - getTextSpanList
(NvsCaptionTextLayout *) - getTextLayout
(int) - getComplexRenderLayerCount
 Gets the number of complex caption layers. More...
(BOOL) - hasOutlineLayerInComplexRender:
 Determine if the current layer has outline. More...
(NvsColor- getComplexRenderLayerOutlineColor:
 Gets the outline color value for a layer of complex caption. More...
(BOOL) - setComplexRenderLayerOutlineColor:color:
 Set the outline color value for a layer of complex caption. More...
(float) - getComplexRenderLayerOutlineWidth:
 Gets the outline width of a layer of complex caption. More...
(BOOL) - setComplexRenderLayerOutlineWidth:width:
 set the outline width of a layer of complex caption More...
(float) - getComplexRenderLayerOpacity:
 Gets the opacity of a certain layer of complex caption. More...
(BOOL) - setComplexRenderLayerOpacity:opacity:
 set the opacity of a certain layer of complex caption. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from NvsFx
(void) - setIntVal:val:
 Set the integer parameter of NvsFx. More...
(int) - getIntVal:
 Get the integer parameter of NvsFx. More...
(void) - setIntValAtTime:val:time:
 Set the NvsFx's integer parameter at a specified time point. More...
(int) - getIntValAtTime:time:
 Get the NvsFx's integer parameter at a specified time point. More...
(void) - setFloatVal:val:
 Set the float parameter of NvsFx. More...
(double) - getFloatVal:
 Get the float parameter of NvsFx. More...
(void) - setFloatValAtTime:val:time:
 Set the NvsFx's float parameter at a specified time point. More...
(double) - getFloatValAtTime:time:
 Get the NvsFx's float parameter at a specified time point. More...
(void) - setBooleanVal:val:
 Set the BOOL parameter of NvsFx. More...
(BOOL) - getBooleanVal:
 Get the BOOL parameter of NvsFx. More...
(void) - setBooleanValAtTime:val:time:
 Set the NvsFx’s BOOL parameter at a specified time point. More...
(BOOL) - getBooleanValAtTime:time:
 Get the NvsFx's BOOL parameter at a specified time point. More...
(void) - setStringVal:val:
 Set the string parameter of NvsFx. More...
(NSString *) - getStringVal:
 Get the string parameter of NvsFx. More...
(void) - setStringValAtTime:val:time:
 Set the NvsFx's string parameter at a specified time point. More...
(NSString *) - getStringValAtTime:time:
 Get the NvsFx's string parameter at a specified time point. More...
(void) - setColorVal:val:
 Set the color parameter of NvsFx. More...
(NvsColor- getColorVal:
 Get the color parameter of NvsFx. More...
(void) - setColorValAtTime:val:time:
 Set the NvsFx's color parameter at a specified time point. More...
(NvsColor- getColorValAtTime:time:
 Get the NvsFx's color parameter at a specified time point. More...
(void) - setPosition2DVal:val:
 Set the two dimentional coordinates parameter of NvsFx. More...
(NvsPosition2D- getPosition2DVal:
 Get the two dimentional coordinates parameter of NvsFx. More...
(void) - setPosition2DValAtTime:val:time:
 Set the NvsFx's two dimentional coordinates parameter at a specified time point. More...
(NvsPosition2D- getPosition2DValAtTime:time:
 Get the NvsFx's two dimentional coordinates parameter at a specified time point. More...
(void) - setPosition3DVal:val:
 Set the three dimentional coordinates parameter of NvsFx. More...
(NvsPosition3D- getPosition3DVal:
 Get the three dimentional coordinates parameter of NvsFx. More...
(void) - setPosition3DValAtTime:val:time:
 Set the NvsFx's three dimentional coordinates parameter at a specified time point. More...
(NvsPosition3D- getPosition3DValAtTime:time:
 Get the NvsFx's three dimentional coordinates parameter at a specified time point. More...
(void) - setMenuVal:val:
 Set the menu parameter of NvsFx. More...
(NSString *) - getMenuVal:
 Get the menu parameter of NvsFx. More...
(void) - setMenuValAtTime:val:time:
 Set the NvsFx's menu parameter at a specified time point. More...
(NSString *) - getMenuValAtTime:time:
 Get the NvsFx menu parameter at a specified time point. More...
(void) - setArbDataVal:val:
 Set custom data parameter value. More...
(NvsArbitraryData *) - getArbDataVal:
 Get custom data parameter value. More...
(void) - setArbDataValAtTime:val:time:
 Sets custom data parameter value. More...
(NvsArbitraryData *) - getArbDataValAtTime:time:
 Get custom data parameter value at a specified time point. More...
(bool) - removeKeyframeAtTime:time:
 Remove key frame at a specified time point from key frame list. More...
(bool) - removeAllKeyframe:
 Remove all key frames from key frame list. More...
(bool) - hasKeyframeList:
 Check whether the parameter has key frame list or not. More...
(int64_t) - findKeyframeTime:time:flags:
 Get key frame at a specified time point. More...
(bool) - setKeyFrameControlPoint:time:controlPointPair:
 Set key frame control point pair. More...
(NvsControlPointPair *) - getKeyFrameControlPoint:time:
 Get key frame control point pair. More...
(bool) - setKeyFrameControlPointMode:time:controlPointModePair:
 Set key frame control point mode pair. More...
(NvsControlPointModePair *) - getKeyFrameControlPointMode:time:
 Get key frame control point mode pair. More...
(void) - setFilterIntensity:
 Set the intensity of the filter. More...
(float) - getFilterIntensity
 Get the intensity of the filter. More...
(void) - setFilterMask:
 Set the mask of the filter. More...
(bool) - getFilterMask
 Get the usage of the filter's mask. More...
(void) - setRegional:
 Set whether the filter is regional. More...
(BOOL) - getRegional
 Get whether the filter is regional. More...
(void) - setIgnoreBackground:
 Set whether the regional filter ignores background. More...
(BOOL) - getIgnoreBackground
 Get whether the regional filter ignores background. More...
(void) - setInverseRegion:
 Set whether the regional filter inverses region. More...
(BOOL) - getInverseRegion
 Get whether the regional filter inverses region. More...
(NSArray *) - getRegion
 Get the region of this regional filter. More...
(void) - setRegion:
 Set the region of this regional filter. More...
(NvsMaskRegionInfo *) - getRegionInfo
 Get the mask region informations of the regional filter. More...
(void) - setRegionInfo:
 Set the mask region informations of the regional filter. More...
(void) - setRegionInfoAtTime:time:
 Set the regional filter's mask region informations at a specified time point. More...
(NvsMaskRegionInfo *) - getRegionInfoAtTime:
 Get the the regional filter's mask region informations at a specified time. More...
(void) - setRegionalFeatherWidth:
 Set the feather width of the regional filter. More...
(float) - getRegionalFeatherWidth
 Get the feather width of the regional filter. More...
(void) - setRegionalFeatherWidthAtTime:time:
 Set the regional filter's feather width at a specified time point. More...
(float) - getRegionalFeatherWidthAtTime:
 Get the regional filter's feather width at a specified time point. More...
(void) - setRegionCoordinateSystemType:
 Set the coordinate system of the region. More...
(int) - getRegionCoordinateSystemType
 Get the coordinate system of the region. More...
(NvsParticleSystemContext *) - getParticleSystemContext
 Get the particle effect context pointer.Please refer to NvsParticleSystemContext. More...
(NvsARFaceContext *) - getARFaceContext
 Get face effect context pointer.Please refer to NvsARFaceContext. More...
(NvsPaintingEffectContext *) - getPaintingEffectContext
 Get the particle effect context pointer.Please refer to NvsPaintingEffectContext. More...
(NvsARSceneManipulate *) - getARSceneManipulate
 Get the AR scene operation pointer.Please refer to NvsARSceneManipulate. More...
(void) - setExprVar:varValue:
 Set the value of the defined parameter in the expression. More...
(double) - getExprVar:
 Get the value of the defined parameter in the expression. More...
(void) - setColorExprVar:varValue:
 Set the color value of the defined parameter in the expression. More...
(NvsColor- getColorExprVar:
 Get the color value of the defined parameter in the expression. More...
(void) - clearExprVar:
 Clear the value of the defined parameter in the expression and set it to the default value of 0. More...
(void) - clearExprVarCtx
 Clear all parameter values defined in the expression and set them to the default value of 0. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from NvsObject
(void) - setAttachment:forKey:
 Adds an attachment to the NvsObject object to identify the object of the NvsObject or for other purposes. More...
(void) - setTemplateAttachment:forKey:
 Adds additional template data to the NvsObject object to identify the NvsObject template object. More...
(NSObject *) - getAttachment:
 Gets attached attachments. More...
(NSString *) - getTemplateAttachment:
 Gets an template attachment to NvsObject. More...


int64_t inPoint
 The in point of the caption on the timeline(in microseconds) More...
int64_t outPoint
 The out point of the caption on the timeline (in microseconds) More...
- Properties inherited from NvsCaption
BOOL isPanoramic
 Whether it is a panorama caption. More...
BOOL isModular
 whether the current caption is a modular caption More...
NvsRoleInTheme roleInTheme
 The role of captions in the theme (general, title, and trailer.) More...
NvsCategory category
 Clip type. More...
NSString * captionStylePackageId
 The package ID of the caption style. More...
NSString * modularCaptionContextPackageId
 The package ID of the modular caption context style. More...
NSString * modularCaptionRendererPackageId
 The package ID of the modular caption render style. More...
NSString * modularCaptionAnimationPackageId
 The package ID of the modular caption animation style. More...
NSString * modularCaptionInAnimationPackageId
 The package ID of the modular caption in-animation style. More...
NSString * modularCaptionOutAnimationPackageId
 The package ID of the modular caption out-animation style. More...
- Properties inherited from NvsFx
 Special effect description. More...

Detailed Description

Clip captions.

Clip captions are custom text that is superimposed on the video. When editing a video, users can add and remove Clip captions and adjust the captions position. After adding captions, user can also set the style, including font size, color, shadow, stroke, etc.

In the NvsClipCaption class, all public APIs are used in the UI thread! ! !

Method Documentation

◆ changeInPoint:

- (int64_t) changeInPoint: (int64_t)  newInPoint

Changes the in-point of the caption on the Clip.

newInPointThe new in-point of the caption on the timeline (in microseconds).
Returns the in-point of the caption on the Clip (in microseconds).
This interface will cause the streaming engine state to jump to the engine stop state. For details, please refer to Engine Change.
See also

◆ changeOutPoint:

- (int64_t) changeOutPoint: (int64_t)  newOutPoint

Changes the out-point of the caption on the Clip.

newOutPointThe new out-point of the caption on the Clip (in microseconds).
Returns the out-point of the caption on the Clip (in microseconds).
This interface will cause the streaming engine state to jump to the engine stop state. For details, please refer to [Engine Change].(Engine of Changing).
See also

◆ getAbsoluteTimeUsed

- (bool) getAbsoluteTimeUsed

Get whether the caption in and out point is absolute time.

Returns a boolean value. true for yes, false for no.

◆ movePosition:

- (void) movePosition: (int64_t)  offset

Changes the display position of the caption on the Clip (the in and out points are offset from the offset value at the same time).

offsetOffset value for in and out points changes (in microseconds), -1 indicates that the whole clip is covered.
This interface will cause the streaming engine state to jump to the engine stop state. For details, please refer to Engine Change.
See also

◆ setAbsoluteTimeUsed:

- (void) setAbsoluteTimeUsed: (bool)  enable

Set the caption in and out point to absolute time.

enableswitch checker

Property Documentation

◆ inPoint

- (int64_t) inPoint

The in point of the caption on the timeline(in microseconds)

◆ outPoint

- (int64_t) outPoint

The out point of the caption on the timeline (in microseconds)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: