The function of the synthesizer is to synthesize the project xml edited by the user into a piece. The interface is used by the executable program to update progress and results.

# Install the synth runtime environment

Suppose the current system is ubuntu 18.04.

  1. Update the linux installer source
apt update;
apt upgrade;
apt install default-jre
  1. Install x-server
apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
apt-get install xinit
setsid startx &
  1. Install QT and ffmpeg related libraries
apt-get install qt5-default
apt install libavutil55
apt install libavcodec57
apt install libavformat57
apt install libswresample2
apt install libswscale4
apt install libqt5multimedia5
apt install libqt5multimedia5-plugins
  1. Install the Synthesizer Put the synthesizer (opens new window) into the run directory (eg /opt/bsedit). Set environment variables
export DISPLAY=':0.0'

# Synthesizer parameter description

Example of invoking the synthesizer from the command line:

./processServer \
                -taskFilePath %s \
                -taskId %s \
                -outputFilePath %s \
                -patternPath /var/www/html/bsedit/material/ \
                -serverURL http://localhost:8088/ \
                -licServerURL \
                -faceModelFilePath /opt/bsedit/ms_face_v1.0.2.model

The parameter description is as follows:

Parameters Description
taskFilePath The local path of the project file
inputM3u8FilePath The local path of the m3u8 file (choose one from the project file)
taskId task ID
outputFilePath The local path of the slice
patternPath The path of the locally installed material, the material is placed in this directory
serverURL The url of the callback interface
licServerURL The url of the authentication server
faceModelFilePath Local path of face recognition model

The command to install the material (before compositing into a film, you need to run the command to install the material to the composition server)

./processServer \ 
				-taskId 1 \
				-patternPath /var/www/html/bsedit/material/ \
        -type installAssets  //Install new materials on the official website

The parameter description is as follows:

Parameters Description
type installAssets Install the assets in the patternPath directory
patternPath The path of the locally installed material, the material is placed in this directory

# program exit code

The interface judges whether the transcoding is successful according to the program exit code.

synthesizer exit code success or not
0 yes
non-zero no