# Function Description

To get the resource information frontend instance:get the task jobid of transcoding when resource be uploaded by object-storage SDK.

# Request

# request example

GET /resource/info HTTPS
Host: <host>
Authorization: <AuthString>

# Request Headers

Name Description Type Mandatory
Authorization User token information string true

# Request Parameters

Field Explain Type Mandatory
id resource id int true

# Request Body


# Response

# Response Header

No special response header

# Response Body

Successful Response Body(there are two special situation:if value is null, but still should return a null character string,if thumbnail is null,but still should return a null array []):

  "code": 0,
  "enMsg": "success",
  "msg": "成功",
  "data": {
    "id": 27542,
    "projectId": 19054,
    "status": 1,
    "mediaType": 2,
    "title": "123",
    "description": "",
    "uuid": "10393469-aa7a-44fc-96ad-43e46ce890d7",
    "jobId": 39717,
    "width": 0,
    "height": 0,
    "duration": 268050,
    "userId": 1,
    "isDir": 0,
    "url": "http://3469-aa7a-44fc-96ad-43e46ce890d7.mp3",
    "coverUrl": "",
    "singleSliceUrl": "",
    "alphaUrl": "",
    "alphaM3u8Url": "",
    "m3u8Url": "https://9-90ea-4a48-85c9-f32238894a7a.m3u8",
    "rightChannelUrl": "https://d9-90ea-40-rightchannel.data",
    "leftChannelUrl": "https://dad9-90e0-leftchannel.data",
    "thumbnailInfo": {
      "urlPrefix": "http://abc.com/abcdefg",
      "interval": 1000,
      "extension": "jpg"
    "thumbnails": [
        "time": 0,
        "url": "https://d07-4e46-b822-4ab809364144-thumbnail.bmp"
Field Explain Type Mandatory
id resource id int true
projectId project id int true
status status of resource transcoding 0-processing ,1-success,2-failed int true
mediaType resource type:1-video
int true
title resource name string true
description resource description string true
uuid Universally Unique Identifier string true
jobId task id string true
width width of video or image int true
height height of video or image int true
duration duration time of resource,in millisecond int true
userId userid int true
isDir sequence image or not 0-false 1-true int true
url url of resource string true
coverUrl url of thumbnail,get it by transcoding. string true
singleSliceUrl url of single-sliced video ,get it by transcoding string true
alphaUrl url of single-sliced video with alpha-channel,get it by transcoding string true
alphaM3u8Url url of m3u8 with alpha-channel,get it by transcoding string true
m3u8Url url of m3u8,get it by transcoding string true
rightChannelUrl url of rightchannel,get it by transcoding string true
leftChannelUrl url of leftchannel,get it by transcoding string true
thumbnails array of thumbnail array true
time time stamp of thumbnail int true
url url of thumbnail string true
thumbnailInfo thumbnail information--there is thumbnail field at new version(12.27) object true
urlPrefix url prefix of thumbnail string true
interval time interval of thumbnail,in millisecond. int true
extension file suffixes of thumbnail string true

Failed Response Body:

  "code": <errorCode>,
  "enMsg": <errorMessage>,
  "msg": <errorMessage>,
  "data": null