MeiCam SDK For iOS  3.10.0
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NvsTimelineGraphCompositor Class Reference

Timeline video effect Timeline GraphCompositor is a video effect applied to a Timeline instance. More...

#import <NvsTimelineGraphCompositor.h>

Inheritance diagram for NvsTimelineGraphCompositor:
NvsFx NvsObject


NSString * packageId
 The package ID of the GraphCompositor on the timeline. More...
- Properties inherited from NvsFx
 Special effect description. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Instance Methods inherited from NvsFx
(void) - setIntVal:val:
 Set the integer parameter of NvsFx. More...
(int) - getIntVal:
 Get the integer parameter of NvsFx. More...
(void) - setIntValAtTime:val:time:
 Set the NvsFx's integer parameter at a specified time point. More...
(int) - getIntValAtTime:time:
 Get the NvsFx's integer parameter at a specified time point. More...
(void) - setFloatVal:val:
 Set the float parameter of NvsFx. More...
(double) - getFloatVal:
 Get the float parameter of NvsFx. More...
(void) - setFloatValAtTime:val:time:
 Set the NvsFx's float parameter at a specified time point. More...
(double) - getFloatValAtTime:time:
 Get the NvsFx's float parameter at a specified time point. More...
(void) - setBooleanVal:val:
 Set the BOOL parameter of NvsFx. More...
(BOOL) - getBooleanVal:
 Get the BOOL parameter of NvsFx. More...
(void) - setBooleanValAtTime:val:time:
 Set the NvsFx’s BOOL parameter at a specified time point. More...
(BOOL) - getBooleanValAtTime:time:
 Get the NvsFx's BOOL parameter at a specified time point. More...
(void) - setStringVal:val:
 Set the string parameter of NvsFx. More...
(NSString *) - getStringVal:
 Get the string parameter of NvsFx. More...
(void) - setStringValAtTime:val:time:
 Set the NvsFx's string parameter at a specified time point. More...
(NSString *) - getStringValAtTime:time:
 Get the NvsFx's string parameter at a specified time point. More...
(void) - setColorVal:val:
 Set the color parameter of NvsFx. More...
(NvsColor- getColorVal:
 Get the color parameter of NvsFx. More...
(void) - setColorValAtTime:val:time:
 Set the NvsFx's color parameter at a specified time point. More...
(NvsColor- getColorValAtTime:time:
 Get the NvsFx's color parameter at a specified time point. More...
(void) - setPosition2DVal:val:
 Set the two dimentional coordinates parameter of NvsFx. More...
(NvsPosition2D- getPosition2DVal:
 Get the two dimentional coordinates parameter of NvsFx. More...
(void) - setPosition2DValAtTime:val:time:
 Set the NvsFx's two dimentional coordinates parameter at a specified time point. More...
(NvsPosition2D- getPosition2DValAtTime:time:
 Get the NvsFx's two dimentional coordinates parameter at a specified time point. More...
(void) - setPosition3DVal:val:
 Set the three dimentional coordinates parameter of NvsFx. More...
(NvsPosition3D- getPosition3DVal:
 Get the three dimentional coordinates parameter of NvsFx. More...
(void) - setPosition3DValAtTime:val:time:
 Set the NvsFx's three dimentional coordinates parameter at a specified time point. More...
(NvsPosition3D- getPosition3DValAtTime:time:
 Get the NvsFx's three dimentional coordinates parameter at a specified time point. More...
(void) - setMenuVal:val:
 Set the menu parameter of NvsFx. More...
(NSString *) - getMenuVal:
 Get the menu parameter of NvsFx. More...
(void) - setMenuValAtTime:val:time:
 Set the NvsFx's menu parameter at a specified time point. More...
(NSString *) - getMenuValAtTime:time:
 Get the NvsFx menu parameter at a specified time point. More...
(void) - setArbDataVal:val:
 Set custom data parameter value. More...
(NvsArbitraryData *) - getArbDataVal:
 Get custom data parameter value. More...
(void) - setArbDataValAtTime:val:time:
 Sets custom data parameter value. More...
(NvsArbitraryData *) - getArbDataValAtTime:time:
 Get custom data parameter value at a specified time point. More...
(bool) - removeKeyframeAtTime:time:
 Remove key frame at a specified time point from key frame list. More...
(bool) - removeAllKeyframe:
 Remove all key frames from key frame list. More...
(bool) - hasKeyframeList:
 Check whether the parameter has key frame list or not. More...
(int64_t) - findKeyframeTime:time:flags:
 Get key frame at a specified time point. More...
(bool) - setKeyFrameControlPoint:time:controlPointPair:
 Set key frame control point pair. More...
(NvsControlPointPair *) - getKeyFrameControlPoint:time:
 Get key frame control point pair. More...
(bool) - setKeyFrameControlPointMode:time:controlPointModePair:
 Set key frame control point mode pair. More...
(NvsControlPointModePair *) - getKeyFrameControlPointMode:time:
 Get key frame control point mode pair. More...
(void) - setFilterIntensity:
 Set the intensity of the filter. More...
(float) - getFilterIntensity
 Get the intensity of the filter. More...
(void) - setFilterMask:
 Set the mask of the filter. More...
(bool) - getFilterMask
 Get the usage of the filter's mask. More...
(void) - setRegional:
 Set whether the filter is regional. More...
(BOOL) - getRegional
 Get whether the filter is regional. More...
(void) - setIgnoreBackground:
 Set whether the regional filter ignores background. More...
(BOOL) - getIgnoreBackground
 Get whether the regional filter ignores background. More...
(void) - setInverseRegion:
 Set whether the regional filter inverses region. More...
(BOOL) - getInverseRegion
 Get whether the regional filter inverses region. More...
(NSArray *) - getRegion
 Get the region of this regional filter. More...
(void) - setRegion:
 Set the region of this regional filter. More...
(NvsMaskRegionInfo *) - getRegionInfo
 Get the mask region informations of the regional filter. More...
(void) - setRegionInfo:
 Set the mask region informations of the regional filter. More...
(void) - setRegionInfoAtTime:time:
 Set the regional filter's mask region informations at a specified time point. More...
(NvsMaskRegionInfo *) - getRegionInfoAtTime:
 Get the the regional filter's mask region informations at a specified time. More...
(void) - setRegionalFeatherWidth:
 Set the feather width of the regional filter. More...
(float) - getRegionalFeatherWidth
 Get the feather width of the regional filter. More...
(void) - setRegionalFeatherWidthAtTime:time:
 Set the regional filter's feather width at a specified time point. More...
(float) - getRegionalFeatherWidthAtTime:
 Get the regional filter's feather width at a specified time point. More...
(void) - setRegionCoordinateSystemType:
 Set the coordinate system of the region. More...
(int) - getRegionCoordinateSystemType
 Get the coordinate system of the region. More...
(NvsParticleSystemContext *) - getParticleSystemContext
 Get the particle effect context pointer.Please refer to NvsParticleSystemContext. More...
(NvsARFaceContext *) - getARFaceContext
 Get face effect context pointer.Please refer to NvsARFaceContext. More...
(NvsPaintingEffectContext *) - getPaintingEffectContext
 Get the particle effect context pointer.Please refer to NvsPaintingEffectContext. More...
(NvsARSceneManipulate *) - getARSceneManipulate
 Get the AR scene operation pointer.Please refer to NvsARSceneManipulate. More...
(void) - setExprVar:varValue:
 Set the value of the defined parameter in the expression. More...
(double) - getExprVar:
 Get the value of the defined parameter in the expression. More...
(void) - setColorExprVar:varValue:
 Set the color value of the defined parameter in the expression. More...
(NvsColor- getColorExprVar:
 Get the color value of the defined parameter in the expression. More...
(void) - clearExprVar:
 Clear the value of the defined parameter in the expression and set it to the default value of 0. More...
(void) - clearExprVarCtx
 Clear all parameter values defined in the expression and set them to the default value of 0. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from NvsObject
(void) - setAttachment:forKey:
 Adds an attachment to the NvsObject object to identify the object of the NvsObject or for other purposes. More...
(void) - setTemplateAttachment:forKey:
 Adds additional template data to the NvsObject object to identify the NvsObject template object. More...
(NSObject *) - getAttachment:
 Gets attached attachments. More...
(NSString *) - getTemplateAttachment:
 Gets an template attachment to NvsObject. More...

Detailed Description

Timeline video effect Timeline GraphCompositor is a video effect applied to a Timeline instance.

In the NvsTimelineVideoFx class, all public APIs are used in the UI thread! ! !

Property Documentation

◆ packageId

- (NSString*) packageId

The package ID of the GraphCompositor on the timeline.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: