# Live resource configuration of Aliyun-cloud

Meishe-LiveEditor requires the m3u8 recorded in the Live broadcast as input before editing the Live broadcast resources. The following describes how to configure and obtain the Live broadcast recording url and m3u8 of Aliyun-cloud platform.

# 1.configurate domain name

Before accessing Aliyun-cloud, there should be a ingest domain name and a streaming domain name. The function of ingesting domain name is to provide Tencent cloud with the url of a streaming server to receive the Live video stream of the client (such as OBS live client). The function of streaming domain name is to provide Aliyun-cloud with the url of a streaming server, which is used for users watching Live broadcast to access Live broadcast resources.

After having a domain name, you can add configuration through the domain name management page of Aliyun-cloud Live console.

# 1.1 add a streaming domain at this page:


# 1.2 add a ingest domain at same page:


# 1.3 Effect after configuration

After configuration, DNS resolving should also be done at the domain name provider to make the ingest and streaming service point to the service url of Aliyun-cloud, as shown below: image.png

# 1.4 open cross-domain restriction

In addition, the CORS response header of the streaming domain name should be configured so that there is no cross-domain restriction: image.png

# 2.configurate storage

The configuration of object storage is used to store the m3u8 files recorded in the Live and the TS slice files of the Live video.

# 2.1 open object storage

at first open object storage to store recording resource of Live, as shown in the following picture. image.png

# 2.2 add configuration of recording

Add recording configuration to the streaming domain name so that the slices obtained by streaming can be put into storage. In addition, some storage formats can be configured, as follows:


# 3.configurate time shifting

The function of time shifting is to enable the historical resources of Live slice to be saved and playback. The configuration is as follows:


# 4.generate Live url and Live demo

it can generate Live url to Live after finished configuration at Aliyun-Cloud.

# 4.1 generate Live url

configurate generator,and get the Live url.


# 4.2 To Live with OBS client

configurate Live url at OBS Client,add Live resource(images,camera input and so on),ingest Live,for example:



# 4.3 To watch Live with vlc video player

enter m3u8 playback url of url generator by Aliyun-Cloud in VLC,and open the Live,for time shifting url,it should add time shifting parameter at the end of url ,For example:

http://live.shizhouhu.com/LiveEdit/YYSStream.m3u8?aliyunols=on&lhs_start_human_s_8=20210723183820&lhs_end_human_s_8=20210723193820&auth_key=1627034706-0-0-a286184c2d150de760a396ac935c604c (opens new window)

the parameter of aliyunols is required parameter when time shifting,and lhs_start_human_s_8 is start time of Live resource, lhs_end_human_s_8 is end time of Live resource.

image.png image.png

# 4.4 Live resource on storage

Since recording is enabled, the m3u8 url of the Live broadcast and the Live stream slice will be saved on the storage. The m3u8 url can be used as the input resource of the Meishe-LiveEditor for editing. please reference to blow pages: image.png image.png

# 5.Meishe-LiveEditor importing

After recording, you can edit the m3u8 file in the Meishe-LiveEditor as input. The following Live url are configured as: https://live-edit.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/record/LiveEdit/YYSStream/2021-07-23-18-06-32_2021-07-23-18-16-24.m3u8 (opens new window) Note: m3u8 links must be HTTPS links. If they are HTTP links, the browser will report a mix-content error because HTTPS sites cannot be mixed with HTTP content.



# 6.reference

  1. https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/65129.html?spm=5176.13499635.help.dexternal.43fe2699NkHpcE (opens new window)
  2. https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/54510.html?spm=5176.13499635.help.dexternal.1d082699dPhVCD (opens new window)

