# 1.request Json example of creating task

  "data": {
    "callbackHost": "http://1......",
    "url": "https://alieasset.meis....ioc0f1-488d-9ab7-e5b822b33a72.json"
  "type": 5,
  "uuid": "89d91798-c0f1-488d-9ab7-e5b822b33a72"
Field Explain Type Mandatory
type task type,4-task type int true
uuid Universally Unique Identifier,task id String true
data detail information of task object true
callbackHost host of callbacking String true
url url of json which need to do sentences segmentation. please refer to this format
https://alieasset.meishesdk.com/recognition/1330/89d91798-c0f1-488d-9ab7-e5b822b33a72.json (opens new window)
String true

# 2.request Json example of callbacking task


  "data": {
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "url": "https://alieasset.mei....or/2021/07/20/split-word/89.json"
  "type": 5,
  "uuid": "89d91798-c0f1-488d-9ab7-e5b822b33a72"
Field Explain Type
type task type,0-task type of transcoding int
uuid Universally Unique Identifier,task id String
data detail information of task Object
code result code of task 0-success,others-failed int
message result information of task String
url url of json which need to do sentences segmentation. please refer to this format
https://alieasset.meishesdk.com/recognition/1330/89d91798-c0f1-488d-9ab7-e5b822b33a72.json (opens new window)
