# 1.request Json example of creating task

  "data": {
    "callbackHost": "",
    "url": "https://alieasset.meis...esource/video/mp4",
    "trimOut": 19920000,
    "trimIn": 2840000,
    "isSingleSlice": true,
    "resourceType": 4
  "type": 0,
  "uuid": "f0ee6746-a315-40cf-bfe5-d5876a474266"
Field Explain Type Mandatory
type task type,0-task type of transcoding int true
uuid Universally Unique Identifier String true
data detail information of task object true
callbackHost host of callbacking String true
url url of resource String true
resourceType resource type
4 -extract audio
int true
isSingleSlice single slice task or not boolean true
trimIn start time of capturing long true
trimOut end time of capturing long true

# 2.request Json example of callbacking task

  "data": {
    "singleSliceUrl": "https://video....cf-bfe5-d5876a4742661.m4a",
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success"
  "type": 0,
  "uuid": "f0ee6746-a315-40cf-bfe5-d5876a4742661"
Field Explain Type
type task type ,0-type of transcoding task int
uuid Universally Unique Identifier String
data detail information after task transcoding Object
code task status code, 0-success,others-failed int
message result information of task String
singleSliceUrl url of single-slice String