MeiCam SDK For iOS
The video clip is description of the video file. More...
#import <NvsVideoClip.h>
Instance Methods | |
(void) | - setPlayInReverse: |
Sets whether the clip is reversed. More... | |
(BOOL) | - getPlayInReverse |
Gets whether the clip is reversed. More... | |
(void) | - setExtraVideoRotation: |
Sets the video's extra rotation angle. More... | |
(void) | - setExtraVideoRotation:rotateROI: |
Sets the video's extra rotation angle. More... | |
(NvsExtraVideoRotation) | - getExtraVideoRotation |
Gets the video's extra rotation angle. More... | |
(void) | - setPan:andScan: |
Sets the pan and scan. More... | |
(void) | - getPan:andScan: |
Gets the pan and scan. More... | |
(void) | - enableVideoClipROI: |
Sets whether to enable ROI mode on video clip. default pan and scan mode is used. More... | |
(BOOL) | - isVideoClipROIEnabled |
Gets whether to enable ROI mode on video clip. More... | |
(void) | - setSourceBackgroundMode: |
Sets the background mode. More... | |
(NvsSourceBackgroundMode) | - getSourceBackgroundMode |
Gets the background mode. More... | |
(void) | - setSourceBackgroundColor: |
Sets the background color. More... | |
(NvsColor) | - getSourceBackgroundColor |
Gets the background color. More... | |
(void) | - disableAmbiguousCrop: |
Sets whether the video disables the approximate scale cropping of the screen, The default is false. More... | |
(BOOL) | - isAmbiguousCropDisabled |
Gets whether the video disables the approximate scale cropping of the screen. More... | |
(void) | - setImageMotionROI:endROI: |
Sets the motion ROI(Region Of Interesting) for the Image clip. More... | |
(void) | - setClipWrapMode: |
Sets the clip's loop mode. More... | |
(NvsClipWrapMode) | - getClipWrapMode |
Gets the clip's loop mode. More... | |
(void) | - setAudioFadeInDuration: |
Set Audio Fade-In Duration. More... | |
(int64_t) | - getAudioFadeInDuration |
Get Audio Fade-In Duration. More... | |
(void) | - setAudioFadeOutDuration: |
Set Audio Fade-Out Duration. More... | |
(int64_t) | - getAudioFadeOutDuration |
Get Audio Fade-Out Duration. More... | |
(void) | - changeVariableSpeed:endSpeed:keepAudioPitch: |
Changes the playback speed of the clip. More... | |
(double) | - getStartSpeed |
Get the playback speed of the clip. More... | |
(double) | - getEndSpeed |
Get the playback speed of the clip. More... | |
(void) | - setBlendingMode: |
set blending mode to video clip. More... | |
(NvsClipBlendingMode) | - getBlendingMode |
get blending mode from video clip. More... | |
(void) | - setOpacity: |
set opacity value to video clip. More... | |
(float) | - getOpacity |
set opacity value from video clip. More... | |
(void) | - setEnableOriginalRender: |
Turn on special effect rendering based on the original scale of the video clip. More... | |
(BOOL) | - isOriginalRender |
Gets whether the original scale rendering mode is turned on. More... | |
(void) | - enableClipFreezeFrame: |
Sets the clip's hdr enable status. More... | |
(BOOL) | - isClipFreezeFrameEnabled |
Gets video freeze frame enabled. More... | |
(void) | - setClipFreezeFrameTrimPosition: |
Sets the clip's freeze trim position. More... | |
(long) | - getClipFreezeFrameTrimPosition |
Gets video freeze trim position(in microseconds). More... | |
(void) | - enableRawSourceMode: |
Enable the original frame mode If enable this mode: SetPanAndScan, GetPanAndScan, DisableAmbiguousCrop, IsAmbiguousCropDisabled, SetImageMotionMode, ImageMotionMode SetImageMotionROI, GetImageMotionROI, SetImageMotionAnimationEnabled, IsImageMotionAnimationEnabled, SetImageMaskROI, GetImageMaskROI,are already invalid. If the property videoFx is enable, the corresponding parameters in the property videoFx have no effect. More... | |
(BOOL) | - isRawSourceModeEnabled |
The raw source mode is enabled. More... | |
(NvsAudioFx *) | - appendAudioFx: |
Appends audio effect at the end of the clip. More... | |
(NvsAudioFx *) | - insertAudioFx:fxIndex: |
Inserts a special effect at the index of the specified effect on the clip. More... | |
(NvsAudioFx *) | - appendCustomAudioFx: |
Appends custom audio effect to the clip. More... | |
(NvsAudioFx *) | - insertCustomAudioFx:fxIndex: |
Inserts a custom audio effect at the specified effect index on the clip. More... | |
(BOOL) | - removeAudioFx: |
Removes the audio effect from the specified index,The subsequent audioFx index moves forward. More... | |
(NvsAudioFx *) | - getAudioFxWithIndex: |
Gets the audio effect by index. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - appendBuiltinFx: |
Appends the built-in effect on the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - insertBuiltinFx:fxIndex: |
Inserts a built-in effect at the specified effect index on the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - appendPackagedFx: |
Appends the resource package effect on the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - insertPackagedFx:fxIndex: |
Inserts the resource package effect at the specified effect index on the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - appendCustomFx: |
Appends the custom video effect on the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - insertCustomFx:fxIndex: |
Inserts the custom video effect at the specified effect index on the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - appendRawBuiltinFx: |
Appends built-in effect on the raw input to clips. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - insertRawBuiltinFx:fxIndex: |
Inserts a built-in effect at the specified effect index on the raw input on the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - appendRawPackagedFx: |
Appends package effect on the raw input to the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - insertRawPackagedFx:fxIndex: |
Inserts package effect at the specified effect index on the raw input on the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - appendRawCustomFx: |
Appends custom video effect on the raw input to the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - insertRawCustomFx:fxIndex: |
Inserts a custom video effect at the specified effect index on the raw input on the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - appendBeautyFx |
Appends the beauty effect on the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - insertBeautyFx: |
Inserts the beauty effect at the specified effect index on the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - appendBuiltinFx:inPoint:duration: |
Appends the built-in effect on the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - insertBuiltinFx:fxIndex:inPoint:duration: |
Inserts a built-in effect at the specified effect index on the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - appendPackagedFx:inPoint:duration: |
Appends the resource package effect on the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - insertPackagedFx:fxIndex:inPoint:duration: |
Inserts the resource package effect at the specified effect index on the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - appendCustomFx:inPoint:duration: |
Appends the custom video effect on the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - insertCustomFx:fxIndex:inPoint:duration: |
Inserts the custom video effect at the specified effect index on the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - appendRawBuiltinFx:inPoint:duration: |
Appends built-in effect on the raw input to clips. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - insertRawBuiltinFx:fxIndex:inPoint:duration: |
Inserts a built-in effect at the specified effect index on the raw input on the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - appendRawPackagedFx:inPoint:duration: |
Appends package effect on the raw input to the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - insertRawPackagedFx:fxIndex:inPoint:duration: |
Inserts package effect at the specified effect index on the raw input on the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - appendRawCustomFx:inPoint:duration: |
Appends custom video effect on the raw input to the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - insertRawCustomFx:fxIndex:inPoint:duration: |
Inserts a custom video effect at the specified effect index on the raw input on the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - appendBeautyFx:duration: |
Appends the beauty effect on the clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - insertBeautyFx:inPoint:duration: |
Inserts the beauty effect at the specified effect index on the clip. More... | |
(BOOL) | - removeFx: |
Removes the special effect. More... | |
(BOOL) | - removeRawFx: |
Remove effect by index on the raw input. More... | |
(BOOL) | - removeAllAudioFx |
Remove all the audio effects. More... | |
(BOOL) | - removeAllVideoFx |
Remove all the video effects. More... | |
(BOOL) | - removeAllFx |
Remove all the effects. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - getFxWithIndex: |
Gets the special effect by index. More... | |
(unsigned int) | - getRawFxCount |
Gets the number of effects on the raw input on the clip. Note: The effect index on the clip starts from 0. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - getRawFxByIndex: |
Gets special effect by index on the raw input. More... | |
(NvsVariantImageFillMode) | - getRefImageFillMode |
Gets ref image fill mode. More... | |
(void) | - setRefImageFillMode: |
Sets ref image background mode, Fill Mode. More... | |
(NvsSize) | - getRefImageSize |
Gets ref image size. More... | |
(void) | - setRefImageSize: |
set ref image size More... | |
(NvsSourceBackgroundMode) | - getRefImageBackgroundMode |
Gets ref image background mode. More... | |
(void) | - setRefImageBackgroundMode: |
Sets ref image background mode, Background Mode (VARIANT_IMAGE_BACKGROUNDMODE) More... | |
(NvsColor) | - getRefImageBackgroundColor |
Gets the ref image background color. More... | |
(void) | - setRefImageBackgroundColor: |
Sets the ref image background color. More... | |
(float) | - getRefImageBackgroundBlurRadius |
Gets ref image background blur radius. More... | |
(void) | - setRefImageBackgroundBlurRadius: |
Sets ref image background blur radius. More... | |
(BOOL) | - getRefImageBackgroundBlurNewModeEnable |
Gets ref image background blur new mode enable. More... | |
(void) | - setRefImageBackgroundBlurNewModeEnable: |
Sets ref image background blur new mode enable. More... | |
(void) | - updateAudioForClipVideoFx |
Update the audio information in the current clip effect. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - getPropertyVideoFx |
Gets the property effect of the video clip. More... | |
(NvsVideoFx *) | - setCustomPropertyVideoFx: |
set the custom property effect of the video clip More... | |
(void) | - enablePropertyVideoFx: |
Turn on special effect rendering based on the original scale of the video clip. More... | |
(NvsClipCaption *) | - getFirstCaption |
Get the first caption on the clip. More... | |
(NvsClipCaption *) | - getLastCaption |
Get the last caption on the clip. More... | |
(NvsClipCaption *) | - getPrevCaption: |
Get the previous caption of the current caption on the Clip. More... | |
(NvsClipCaption *) | - getNextCaption: |
Get the next caption of the current caption on the Clip. More... | |
(NSArray *) | - getCaptionsByClipTimePosition: |
Get a list of captions based on the position on the Clip. More... | |
(NvsClipCaption *) | - addCaption:inPoint:duration:captionStylePackageId: |
Add a caption on the Clip. More... | |
(NvsClipCaption *) | - addPanoramicCaption:inPoint:duration:captionStylePackageId: |
Add a panorama caption on the Clip. More... | |
(NvsClipCaption *) | - addModularCaption:inPoint:duration: |
Add a modular caption on the Clip. More... | |
(NvsClipCaption *) | - removeCaption: |
Remove the caption on the Clip. More... | |
(NvsClipCompoundCaption *) | - getFirstCompoundCaption |
Get the first compound caption on the Clip. More... | |
(NvsClipCompoundCaption *) | - getLastCompoundCaption |
Get the last compound caption on the Clip. More... | |
(NvsClipCompoundCaption *) | - getPrevCompoundCaption: |
Get the previous compound caption of the current compound caption on the Clip. More... | |
(NvsClipCompoundCaption *) | - getNextCompoundCaption: |
Get the next compound caption of the current compound caption on the Clip. More... | |
(NSArray< NvsClipCompoundCaption * > *) | - getCompoundCaptionsByClipTimePosition: |
Get a list of compound captions based on the position on the Clip. More... | |
(NvsClipCompoundCaption *) | - addCompoundCaption:duration:compoundCaptionPackageId: |
Add a caption on the Clip. More... | |
(NvsClipCompoundCaption *) | - removeCompoundCaption: |
Remove compound caption from the Clip. More... | |
(NvsClipAnimatedSticker *) | - getFirstAnimatedSticker |
Get the first animated sticker on the Clip. More... | |
(NvsClipAnimatedSticker *) | - getLastAnimatedSticker |
Get the last animated sticker on the Clip. More... | |
(NvsClipAnimatedSticker *) | - getPrevAnimatedSticker: |
Get the previous animated sticker of the current animated sticker of the Clip. More... | |
(NvsClipAnimatedSticker *) | - getNextAnimatedSticker: |
Get the next animated sticker of the current animated sticker of the Clip. More... | |
(NSArray *) | - getAnimatedStickersByClipTimePosition: |
Get an animated sticker list based on the position on the Clip. More... | |
(NvsClipAnimatedSticker *) | - addAnimatedSticker:duration:animatedStickerPackageId: |
Add a animated sticker on the Clip. More... | |
(NvsClipAnimatedSticker *) | - addPanoramicAnimatedSticker:duration:animatedStickerPackageId: |
Add a panorama animation sticker on the Clip. More... | |
(NvsClipAnimatedSticker *) | - addCustomAnimatedSticker:duration:animatedStickerPackageId:customImagePath: |
Add a custom animated sticker on the Clip. More... | |
(NvsClipAnimatedSticker *) | - addCustomPanoramicAnimatedSticker:duration:animatedStickerPackageId:customImagePath: |
Add a a custom panorama animated sticker on the Clip. More... | |
(NvsClipAnimatedSticker *) | - removeAnimatedSticker: |
Remove an animated sticker on the Clip. More... | |
(BOOL) | - isPropertyVideoFxEnabled |
Gets whether the original scale rendering mode is turned on. More... | |
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(NvsTimeline *) | - getInternalTimeline |
Get the internal timeline object from the clip. More... | |
(BOOL) | - changeFilePath: |
Change the clip file path. More... | |
(int64_t) | - changeTrimInPoint:affectSibling: |
Change the trimming in point of the clip. More... | |
(BOOL) | - moveTrimPoint: |
Move trim points of clip(in microseconds) More... | |
(int64_t) | - changeTrimOutPoint:affectSibling: |
Change the trimming out point of the clip. More... | |
(double) | - getSpeed |
Get the playback speed of the clip. More... | |
(void) | - changeSpeed: |
Change the playback speed of the clip. More... | |
(void) | - changeSpeed:keepAudioPitch: |
Change the playback speed of the clip. More... | |
(BOOL) | - isKeepAudioPitch |
Get Audio Pitch State. More... | |
(BOOL) | - changeCurvesVariableSpeed:keepAudioPitch: |
Changes the playback speed of the clip by curves(only support for video clip). More... | |
(NSString *) | - getClipVariableSpeedCurvesString |
get current variable speed curves of clip. More... | |
(int64_t) | - getClipPosByTimelinePosCurvesVariableSpeed: |
Gets the pos in clip by current timeline pos when used curves variable speed. More... | |
(int64_t) | - getTimelinePosByClipPosCurvesVariableSpeed: |
Gets the pos in timeline by current clip pos when used curves variable speed. More... | |
(void) | - setVolumeGain:rightVolumeGain: |
Set the channels (left and right). More... | |
(void) | - getVolumeGain:rightVolumeGain: |
Get the channel values (left and right) More... | |
(void) | - getRealVolumeAtTime:rightVolumeGain:time: |
Get the real-time volume at a specified time point. More... | |
(void) | - setLoopAudio: |
Sets whether to loop audio if the clip' trim out go beyond its audio stream's duration. More... | |
(BOOL) | - getLoopAudio |
Gets whether to loop audio if the clip' trim out go beyond its audio stream's duration. More... | |
(NvsAudioFx *) | - getAudioVolumeFx |
Gets the audio volume effect of the clip. More... | |
![]() | |
(void) | - setAttachment:forKey: |
Adds an attachment to the NvsObject object to identify the object of the NvsObject or for other purposes. More... | |
(void) | - setTemplateAttachment:forKey: |
Adds additional template data to the NvsObject object to identify the NvsObject template object. More... | |
(NSObject *) | - getAttachment: |
Gets attached attachments. More... | |
(NSString *) | - getTemplateAttachment: |
Gets an template attachment to NvsObject. More... | |
Properties | |
NvsVideoClipType | videoType |
Type of the video clip. More... | |
NvsRoleInTheme | roleInTheme |
The clip's role in themes (General, title and trailer). More... | |
NvsStreamingEngineImageClipMotionMode | imageMotionMode |
The motion mode of the image clip. More... | |
BOOL | imageMotionAnimationEnabled |
Whether it supports animation of images. More... | |
NvsRect | startROI |
Image clip's starting ROI (Region Of Interesting) More... | |
NvsRect | endROI |
Image clip's ending ROI (Region Of Interesting) More... | |
unsigned int | audioFxCount |
The count of audio effects on the clip. More... | |
NvsClipRawFilterProcessesMode | rawFilterProcessesMode |
raw filter processes mode More... | |
![]() | |
int64_t | trimIn |
Clip triming in point (in microseconds). More... | |
int64_t | trimOut |
Clip triming out point (in microseconds). More... | |
int64_t | inPoint |
The in point of the clip on the timeline (in microseconds). More... | |
int64_t | outPoint |
The out point of the clip on the timeline (in microseconds). More... | |
NvsClipType | type |
Clip type (video, audio). More... | |
unsigned int | index |
The index of the clip on the track. More... | |
NSString * | filePath |
File path of clip. More... | |
unsigned int | fxCount |
The count of special effects on the clip. More... | |
The video clip is description of the video file.
The video clip source can be a video or an image. Each video clip can be modified for its in and out point value, the speed of playing, and the pan and scan. When editing a video, users can add or insert multiple video effects by the type of effect (built-in, package and beauty). When adding a resource package effect, users have to install it firstly. When installation is successful, users can get the package Id to use, and the built-in effect can be used only by obtaining the effect name.
- (NvsClipAnimatedSticker *) addAnimatedSticker: | (int64_t) | inPoint | |
duration: | (int64_t) | duration | |
animatedStickerPackageId: | (NSString *) | animatedStickerPackageId | |
Add a animated sticker on the Clip.
inPoint | The in point of the animated sticker on the Clip (in microseconds) |
duration | The duration of the animation sticker which displayed (in microseconds), -1 indicates that the whole clip is covered. |
animatedStickerPackageId | Animated sticker package Id |
- (NvsClipCaption *) addCaption: | (NSString *) | captionText | |
inPoint: | (int64_t) | inPoint | |
duration: | (int64_t) | duration | |
captionStylePackageId: | (NSString *) | captionStylePackageId | |
Add a caption on the Clip.
captionText | Text of caption |
inPoint | The in point of the caption on the Clip (in microseconds) |
duration | Caption display duration (in microseconds), -1 indicates that the whole clip is covered. |
captionStylePackageId | Caption style package Id.If it does not exist, you can pass an empty string or null. |
- (NvsClipCompoundCaption *) addCompoundCaption: | (int64_t) | inPoint | |
duration: | (int64_t) | duration | |
compoundCaptionPackageId: | (NSString *) | compoundCaptionPackageId | |
Add a caption on the Clip.
captionText | Text of caption |
inPoint | The in point of the caption on the Clip (in microseconds) |
duration | Caption display duration (in microseconds), -1 indicates that the whole clip is covered. |
captionStylePackageId | Caption style package Id.If it does not exist, you can pass an empty string or null. |
- (NvsClipAnimatedSticker *) addCustomAnimatedSticker: | (int64_t) | inPoint | |
duration: | (int64_t) | duration | |
animatedStickerPackageId: | (NSString *) | animatedStickerPackageId | |
customImagePath: | (NSString *) | customImagePath | |
Add a custom animated sticker on the Clip.
inPoint | The in point of custom animated sticker on the Clip (in microseconds) |
duration | The duration of custom animation sticker which displayed (in microseconds), -1 indicates that the whole clip is covered. |
animatedStickerPackageId | Animated sticker package Id |
customImagePath | Path of custom animated sticker image(It can be a jpg, png image, or a dynamic caf format image supported by Meishe sdk) |
- (NvsClipAnimatedSticker *) addCustomPanoramicAnimatedSticker: | (int64_t) | inPoint | |
duration: | (int64_t) | duration | |
animatedStickerPackageId: | (NSString *) | animatedStickerPackageId | |
customImagePath: | (NSString *) | customImagePath | |
Add a a custom panorama animated sticker on the Clip.
inPoint | The in point of custom animated sticker on the Clip (in microseconds) |
duration | The duration of custom animation sticker which displayed (in microseconds), -1 indicates that the whole clip is covered. |
animatedStickerPackageId | Animated sticker package Id |
customImagePath | Path of custom animated sticker image |
- (NvsClipCaption *) addModularCaption: | (NSString *) | captionText | |
inPoint: | (int64_t) | inPoint | |
duration: | (int64_t) | duration | |
Add a modular caption on the Clip.
captionText | Text of caption |
inPoint | The in point of the caption on the Clip (in microseconds) |
duration | Caption display duration (in microseconds), -1 indicates that the whole clip is covered. |
- (NvsClipAnimatedSticker *) addPanoramicAnimatedSticker: | (int64_t) | inPoint | |
duration: | (int64_t) | duration | |
animatedStickerPackageId: | (NSString *) | animatedStickerPackageId | |
Add a panorama animation sticker on the Clip.
inPoint | The in point of the animated sticker on the Clip (in microseconds) |
duration | The duration of the animation sticker which displayed (in microseconds), -1 indicates that the whole clip is covered. |
animatedStickerPackageId | Animated sticker package Id |
- (NvsClipCaption *) addPanoramicCaption: | (NSString *) | captionText | |
inPoint: | (int64_t) | inPoint | |
duration: | (int64_t) | duration | |
captionStylePackageId: | (NSString *) | captionStylePackageId | |
Add a panorama caption on the Clip.
captionText | Text of caption |
inPoint | The in point of the caption on the Clip (in microseconds) |
duration | Caption display duration (in microseconds), -1 indicates that the whole clip is covered. |
captionStylePackageId | Caption style package Id.If it does not exist, you can pass an empty string or null. |
- (NvsAudioFx *) appendAudioFx: | (NSString *) | fxName |
Appends audio effect at the end of the clip.
fxName | The name of audio effect,please refer to getAllBuiltinAudioFxNames() or The List of Built-in Effect Name. |
- (NvsVideoFx *) appendBeautyFx |
Appends the beauty effect on the clip.
- (NvsVideoFx *) appendBeautyFx: | (int64_t) | inPoint | |
duration: | (int64_t) | duration | |
- (NvsVideoFx *) appendBuiltinFx: | (NSString *) | fxName |
Appends the built-in effect on the clip.
fxName | The effect name,if users get the video effect name, please refer to getAllBuiltinVideoFxNames() or The List of Built-in Effect Name |
- (NvsVideoFx *) appendBuiltinFx: | (NSString *) | fxName | |
inPoint: | (int64_t) | inPoint | |
duration: | (int64_t) | duration | |
Appends the built-in effect on the clip.
fxName | The effect name,if users get the video effect name, please refer to getAllBuiltinVideoFxNames() or The List of Built-in Effect Name |
- (NvsAudioFx *) appendCustomAudioFx: | (id< NvsCustomAudioFxRenderer >) | customAudioFxRender |
Appends custom audio effect to the clip.
NvsCustomAudioFx.Renderer | User-implemented custom audio effect renderer interface. |
- (NvsVideoFx *) appendCustomFx: | (id< NvsCustomVideoFxRenderer >) | customVideoFxRender |
Appends the custom video effect on the clip.
customVideoFxRender | The renderer interface of the custom video effect which users implement |
- (NvsVideoFx *) appendCustomFx: | (id< NvsCustomVideoFxRenderer >) | customVideoFxRender | |
inPoint: | (int64_t) | inPoint | |
duration: | (int64_t) | duration | |
Appends the custom video effect on the clip.
customVideoFxRender | The renderer interface of the custom video effect which users implement |
- (NvsVideoFx *) appendPackagedFx: | (NSString *) | fxPackageId |
Appends the resource package effect on the clip.
fxPackageId | The resource package ID of effect |
- (NvsVideoFx *) appendPackagedFx: | (NSString *) | fxPackageId | |
inPoint: | (int64_t) | inPoint | |
duration: | (int64_t) | duration | |
Appends the resource package effect on the clip.
fxPackageId | The resource package ID of effect |
- (NvsVideoFx *) appendRawBuiltinFx: | (NSString *) | fxName |
Appends built-in effect on the raw input to clips.
fxName | The effect name. To get the video effect name, please refer to getAllBuiltinVideoFxNames() or built-in effect name list. |
- (NvsVideoFx *) appendRawBuiltinFx: | (NSString *) | fxName | |
inPoint: | (int64_t) | inPoint | |
duration: | (int64_t) | duration | |
Appends built-in effect on the raw input to clips.
fxName | The effect name. To get the video effect name, please refer to getAllBuiltinVideoFxNames() or built-in effect name list. |
- (NvsVideoFx *) appendRawCustomFx: | (id< NvsCustomVideoFxRenderer >) | customVideoFxRender |
Appends custom video effect on the raw input to the clip.
customVideoFxRender | User-implemented custom video effect renderer interface. |
- (NvsVideoFx *) appendRawCustomFx: | (id< NvsCustomVideoFxRenderer >) | customVideoFxRender | |
inPoint: | (int64_t) | inPoint | |
duration: | (int64_t) | duration | |
Appends custom video effect on the raw input to the clip.
customVideoFxRender | User-implemented custom video effect renderer interface. |
- (NvsVideoFx *) appendRawPackagedFx: | (NSString *) | fxPackageId |
Appends package effect on the raw input to the clip.
fxPackageId | Effect resource package ID. |
- (NvsVideoFx *) appendRawPackagedFx: | (NSString *) | fxPackageId | |
inPoint: | (int64_t) | inPoint | |
duration: | (int64_t) | duration | |
Appends package effect on the raw input to the clip.
fxPackageId | Effect resource package ID. |
- (void) changeVariableSpeed: | (double) | startSpeed | |
endSpeed: | (double) | endSpped | |
keepAudioPitch: | (BOOL) | keepAudioPitch | |
Changes the playback speed of the clip.
startSpeed | start playback speed. |
endSpeed | end playback speed. |
keepAudioPitch | Keep the tone unchanged. |
- (void) disableAmbiguousCrop: | (BOOL) | disable |
Sets whether the video disables the approximate scale cropping of the screen, The default is false.
disable | whether disable or not. |
- (void) enableClipFreezeFrame: | (BOOL) | enable |
Sets the clip's hdr enable status.
enable | enable status. |
- (void) enablePropertyVideoFx: | (BOOL) | enable |
Turn on special effect rendering based on the original scale of the video clip.
Enable | Turn on or not. |
- (void) enableRawSourceMode: | (BOOL) | enable |
Enable the original frame mode If enable this mode: SetPanAndScan, GetPanAndScan, DisableAmbiguousCrop, IsAmbiguousCropDisabled, SetImageMotionMode, ImageMotionMode SetImageMotionROI, GetImageMotionROI, SetImageMotionAnimationEnabled, IsImageMotionAnimationEnabled, SetImageMaskROI, GetImageMaskROI,are already invalid. If the property videoFx is enable, the corresponding parameters in the property videoFx have no effect.
- (void) enableVideoClipROI: | (BOOL) | enable |
Sets whether to enable ROI mode on video clip. default pan and scan mode is used.
disable | whether to enable or not. |
- (NSArray *) getAnimatedStickersByClipTimePosition: | (int64_t) | cliptimePos |
Get an animated sticker list based on the position on the Clip.
ClipPos | Position on the Clip (in microseconds) |
- (int64_t) getAudioFadeInDuration |
Get Audio Fade-In Duration.
- (int64_t) getAudioFadeOutDuration |
Get Audio Fade-Out Duration.
- (NvsAudioFx *) getAudioFxWithIndex: | (unsigned int) | fxIndex |
Gets the audio effect by index.
fxIndex | The index of the audio effect. Range [0, getFxCount()) |
- (NvsClipBlendingMode) getBlendingMode |
get blending mode from video clip.
- (NSArray *) getCaptionsByClipTimePosition: | (int64_t) | cliptimePos |
Get a list of captions based on the position on the Clip.
ClipPos | The position on the Clip(in micro-second) |
- (long) getClipFreezeFrameTrimPosition |
Gets video freeze trim position(in microseconds).
- (NvsClipWrapMode) getClipWrapMode |
Gets the clip's loop mode.
- (NSArray<NvsClipCompoundCaption*> *) getCompoundCaptionsByClipTimePosition: | (int64_t) | cliptimePos |
Get a list of compound captions based on the position on the Clip.
ClipPos | The position on the Clip(in micro-second) |
- (double) getEndSpeed |
Get the playback speed of the clip.
The default value is 1, which means that it plays at normal speed; the value less than 1 means slower playback; the value greater than 1 means faster playback.
- (NvsExtraVideoRotation) getExtraVideoRotation |
Gets the video's extra rotation angle.
- (NvsClipAnimatedSticker *) getFirstAnimatedSticker |
Get the first animated sticker on the Clip.
- (NvsClipCaption *) getFirstCaption |
Get the first caption on the clip.
- (NvsClipCompoundCaption *) getFirstCompoundCaption |
Get the first compound caption on the Clip.
- (NvsVideoFx *) getFxWithIndex: | (unsigned int) | fxIndex |
Gets the special effect by index.
fxIndex | The index of the special effect |
- (NvsClipAnimatedSticker *) getLastAnimatedSticker |
Get the last animated sticker on the Clip.
- (NvsClipCaption *) getLastCaption |
Get the last caption on the clip.
- (NvsClipCompoundCaption *) getLastCompoundCaption |
Get the last compound caption on the Clip.
- (NvsClipAnimatedSticker *) getNextAnimatedSticker: | (NvsClipAnimatedSticker *) | animatedSticker |
Get the next animated sticker of the current animated sticker of the Clip.
animatedSticker | the current NvsClipAnimatedSticker obejct |
- (NvsClipCaption *) getNextCaption: | (NvsClipCaption *) | caption |
Get the next caption of the current caption on the Clip.
caption | The current caption on the Clip |
- (NvsClipCompoundCaption *) getNextCompoundCaption: | (NvsClipCompoundCaption *) | caption |
Get the next compound caption of the current compound caption on the Clip.
caption | The current compound caption on the Clip |
- (float) getOpacity |
set opacity value from video clip.
- (void) getPan: | (float *) | pan | |
andScan: | (float *) | scan | |
Gets the pan and scan.
pan | Output the panning value |
scan | Output the scanning value |
- (BOOL) getPlayInReverse |
Gets whether the clip is reversed.
- (NvsClipAnimatedSticker *) getPrevAnimatedSticker: | (NvsClipAnimatedSticker *) | animatedSticker |
Get the previous animated sticker of the current animated sticker of the Clip.
animatedSticker | the current NvsClipAnimatedSticker obejct |
- (NvsClipCaption *) getPrevCaption: | (NvsClipCaption *) | caption |
Get the previous caption of the current caption on the Clip.
caption | The current caption on the Clip |
- (NvsClipCompoundCaption *) getPrevCompoundCaption: | (NvsClipCompoundCaption *) | caption |
Get the previous compound caption of the current compound caption on the Clip.
caption | The current compound caption on the Clip |
- (NvsVideoFx *) getPropertyVideoFx |
Gets the property effect of the video clip.
- (NvsVideoFx *) getRawFxByIndex: | (unsigned int) | fxIndex |
Gets special effect by index on the raw input.
fxIndex | Special effect index, please refer to [getRawFxCount]. |
- (unsigned int) getRawFxCount |
Gets the number of effects on the raw input on the clip. Note: The effect index on the clip starts from 0.
- (BOOL) getRefImageBackgroundBlurNewModeEnable |
Gets ref image background blur new mode enable.
- (float) getRefImageBackgroundBlurRadius |
Gets ref image background blur radius.
- (NvsColor) getRefImageBackgroundColor |
Gets the ref image background color.
- (NvsSourceBackgroundMode) getRefImageBackgroundMode |
Gets ref image background mode.
- (NvsVariantImageFillMode) getRefImageFillMode |
Gets ref image fill mode.
- (NvsSize) getRefImageSize |
Gets ref image size.
- (NvsColor) getSourceBackgroundColor |
- (NvsSourceBackgroundMode) getSourceBackgroundMode |
Gets the background mode.
- (double) getStartSpeed |
Get the playback speed of the clip.
The default value is 1, which means that it plays at normal speed; the value less than 1 means slower playback; the value greater than 1 means faster playback.
- (NvsAudioFx *) insertAudioFx: | (NSString *) | fxName | |
fxIndex: | (unsigned int) | fxIndex | |
Inserts a special effect at the index of the specified effect on the clip.
fxName | The name of special effect,please refer to getAllBuiltinAudioFxNames() or The List of Built-in Effect Name. |
fxIndex | The index of the specified effect. Range [0, getFxCount() - 1 ). If index is outOfRange,It will be add in the end. |
- (NvsVideoFx *) insertBeautyFx: | (unsigned int) | fxIndex |
Inserts the beauty effect at the specified effect index on the clip.
fxIndex | The specified effect index |
- (NvsVideoFx *) insertBeautyFx: | (unsigned int) | fxIndex | |
inPoint: | (int64_t) | inPoint | |
duration: | (int64_t) | duration | |
Inserts the beauty effect at the specified effect index on the clip.
fxIndex | The specified effect index |
- (NvsVideoFx *) insertBuiltinFx: | (NSString *) | fxName | |
fxIndex: | (unsigned int) | fxIndex | |
Inserts a built-in effect at the specified effect index on the clip.
fxName | The effect name,if users get the video effect name, please refer to getAllBuiltinVideoFxNames() or The List of Built-in Effect Name |
fxIndex | The specified effect index |
- (NvsVideoFx *) insertBuiltinFx: | (NSString *) | fxName | |
fxIndex: | (unsigned int) | fxIndex | |
inPoint: | (int64_t) | inPoint | |
duration: | (int64_t) | duration | |
Inserts a built-in effect at the specified effect index on the clip.
fxName | The effect name,if users get the video effect name, please refer to getAllBuiltinVideoFxNames() or The List of Built-in Effect Name |
fxIndex | The specified effect index |
- (NvsAudioFx *) insertCustomAudioFx: | (id< NvsCustomAudioFxRenderer >) | customAudioFxRender | |
fxIndex: | (unsigned int) | fxIndex | |
Inserts a custom audio effect at the specified effect index on the clip.
NvsCustomAudioFx.Renderer | User-implemented custom audio effect renderer interface. |
fxIndex | audio effects' index to insert at.Range [0, getFxCount() - 1 ). If index is outOfRange,It will be add in the end. |
- (NvsVideoFx *) insertCustomFx: | (id< NvsCustomVideoFxRenderer >) | customVideoFxRender | |
fxIndex: | (unsigned int) | fxIndex | |
Inserts the custom video effect at the specified effect index on the clip.
customVideoFxRender | The renderer interface of the custom video effect which users implement |
fxIndex | The specified effect index |
- (NvsVideoFx *) insertCustomFx: | (id< NvsCustomVideoFxRenderer >) | customVideoFxRender | |
fxIndex: | (unsigned int) | fxIndex | |
inPoint: | (int64_t) | inPoint | |
duration: | (int64_t) | duration | |
Inserts the custom video effect at the specified effect index on the clip.
customVideoFxRender | The renderer interface of the custom video effect which users implement |
fxIndex | The specified effect index |
- (NvsVideoFx *) insertPackagedFx: | (NSString *) | fxPackageId | |
fxIndex: | (unsigned int) | fxIndex | |
Inserts the resource package effect at the specified effect index on the clip.
fxPackageId | The resource package ID of effect. |
fxIndex | The specified effect index |
- (NvsVideoFx *) insertPackagedFx: | (NSString *) | fxPackageId | |
fxIndex: | (unsigned int) | fxIndex | |
inPoint: | (int64_t) | inPoint | |
duration: | (int64_t) | duration | |
Inserts the resource package effect at the specified effect index on the clip.
fxPackageId | The resource package ID of effect. |
fxIndex | The specified effect index |
- (NvsVideoFx *) insertRawBuiltinFx: | (NSString *) | fxName | |
fxIndex: | (unsigned int) | fxIndex | |
Inserts a built-in effect at the specified effect index on the raw input on the clip.
fxName | The effect name. To get the video effect name, please refer to getAllBuiltinVideoFxNames() or Built-in Effect Name List. |
fxIndex | Effect index to insert at. |
- (NvsVideoFx *) insertRawBuiltinFx: | (NSString *) | fxName | |
fxIndex: | (unsigned int) | fxIndex | |
inPoint: | (int64_t) | inPoint | |
duration: | (int64_t) | duration | |
Inserts a built-in effect at the specified effect index on the raw input on the clip.
fxName | The effect name. To get the video effect name, please refer to getAllBuiltinVideoFxNames() or Built-in Effect Name List. |
fxIndex | Effect index to insert at. |
- (NvsVideoFx *) insertRawCustomFx: | (id< NvsCustomVideoFxRenderer >) | customVideoFxRender | |
fxIndex: | (unsigned int) | fxIndex | |
Inserts a custom video effect at the specified effect index on the raw input on the clip.
customVideoFxRender | User-implemented custom video effects renderer interface. |
fxIndex | Effect index to insert at. |
- (NvsVideoFx *) insertRawCustomFx: | (id< NvsCustomVideoFxRenderer >) | customVideoFxRender | |
fxIndex: | (unsigned int) | fxIndex | |
inPoint: | (int64_t) | inPoint | |
duration: | (int64_t) | duration | |
Inserts a custom video effect at the specified effect index on the raw input on the clip.
customVideoFxRender | User-implemented custom video effects renderer interface. |
fxIndex | Effect index to insert at. |
- (NvsVideoFx *) insertRawPackagedFx: | (NSString *) | fxPackageId | |
fxIndex: | (unsigned int) | fxIndex | |
Inserts package effect at the specified effect index on the raw input on the clip.
fxPackageId | Effect resource package ID. |
fxIndex | Effect index to insert at, please refer to [getRawFxCount]. |
- (NvsVideoFx *) insertRawPackagedFx: | (NSString *) | fxPackageId | |
fxIndex: | (unsigned int) | fxIndex | |
inPoint: | (int64_t) | inPoint | |
duration: | (int64_t) | duration | |
Inserts package effect at the specified effect index on the raw input on the clip.
fxPackageId | Effect resource package ID. |
fxIndex | Effect index to insert at, please refer to [getRawFxCount]. |
- (BOOL) isAmbiguousCropDisabled |
Gets whether the video disables the approximate scale cropping of the screen.
- (BOOL) isClipFreezeFrameEnabled |
Gets video freeze frame enabled.
- (BOOL) isOriginalRender |
Gets whether the original scale rendering mode is turned on.
- (BOOL) isPropertyVideoFxEnabled |
Gets whether the original scale rendering mode is turned on.
- (BOOL) isRawSourceModeEnabled |
The raw source mode is enabled.
- (BOOL) isVideoClipROIEnabled |
Gets whether to enable ROI mode on video clip.
- (BOOL) removeAllAudioFx |
Remove all the audio effects.
- (BOOL) removeAllFx |
Remove all the effects.
- (BOOL) removeAllVideoFx |
Remove all the video effects.
- (NvsClipAnimatedSticker *) removeAnimatedSticker: | (NvsClipAnimatedSticker *) | animatedSticker |
Remove an animated sticker on the Clip.
animatedSticker | The NvsClipAnimatedSticker object which will be removed |
- (BOOL) removeAudioFx: | (unsigned int) | fxIndex |
Removes the audio effect from the specified index,The subsequent audioFx index moves forward.
fxIndex | The index of the special effect. Range [0, getFxCount()) |
- (NvsClipCaption *) removeCaption: | (NvsClipCaption *) | caption |
Remove the caption on the Clip.
caption | Clip caption object which removed |
- (NvsClipCompoundCaption *) removeCompoundCaption: | (NvsClipCompoundCaption *) | caption |
Remove compound caption from the Clip.
caption | Clip compound caption object which to be removed |
- (BOOL) removeFx: | (unsigned int) | fxIndex |
Removes the special effect.
fxIndex | The effect index |
- (BOOL) removeRawFx: | (unsigned int) | fxIndex |
Remove effect by index on the raw input.
fxIndex | Special effect index, please refer togetFxCount(). |
- (void) setAudioFadeInDuration: | (int64_t) | fadeInDuration |
Set Audio Fade-In Duration.
fadeInDuration | Fade-In Duration |
- (void) setAudioFadeOutDuration: | (int64_t) | fadeOutDuration |
Set Audio Fade-Out Duration.
fadeOutDuration | Fade-Out Duration |
- (void) setBlendingMode: | (NvsClipBlendingMode) | blendMode |
- (void) setClipFreezeFrameTrimPosition: | (long) | trimPos |
Sets the clip's freeze trim position.
trimPos | freeze trim position(in microseconds). |
- (void) setClipWrapMode: | (NvsClipWrapMode) | wrapMode |
- (NvsVideoFx *) setCustomPropertyVideoFx: | (id< NvsCustomVideoFxRenderer >) | customVideoFxRender |
set the custom property effect of the video clip
customVideoFxRender | User-implemented custom video effect renderer interface. |
- (void) setEnableOriginalRender: | (BOOL) | enable |
Turn on special effect rendering based on the original scale of the video clip.
Enable | Turn on or not. |
- (void) setExtraVideoRotation: | (NvsExtraVideoRotation) | rotation |
Sets the video's extra rotation angle.
rotation | Extra rotation angle |
- (void) setExtraVideoRotation: | (NvsExtraVideoRotation) | rotation | |
rotateROI: | (bool) | rotateROI | |
Sets the video's extra rotation angle.
rotation | Extra rotation angle |
Sets the motion ROI(Region Of Interesting) for the Image clip.
For details, please refer to The Topics of the Image Clip's ROI
startROI | Image clip's starting ROI |
endROI | Image clip's terminating ROI |
- (void) setOpacity: | (float) | opacity |
set opacity value to video clip.
opacity | new opacity value, Default value is 1, range (0,1). |
- (void) setPan: | (float) | pan | |
andScan: | (float) | scan | |
Sets the pan and scan.
The pan and scan functions are used to adapt the position and size of the video's image on the display window. For details, please refer to the topic of Pan and Scan.
pan | 摇摄 |
scan | 扫描 |
- (void) setPlayInReverse: | (BOOL) | playInReverse |
Sets whether the clip is reversed.
Note: If users use the reversed clip to playback,please ensure that the current video file is a I frame video, otherwise the efficiency of the reversed playback is extremely low and completely intolerable! Users can use the Recording flag of Uses STREAMING_ENGINE_RECORDING_FLAG_VIDEO_INTRA_FRAME_ONLY for the Meishe SDK to generate a I frame video file. If the files which import from other places cannot be guaranteed to be a I frame video and users want to use the reversed function, users can use the Meishe transcoding SDK to directly transcode the original video into a reversed file and then use the reversed file. Note: Make sure the video files locate in the sandbox of the app that users need to reverse.
playInReverse | Whether the clip is reversed. |
- (void) setRefImageBackgroundBlurNewModeEnable: | (BOOL) | newModeEnable |
Sets ref image background blur new mode enable.
Background | blur new mode enable. |
- (void) setRefImageBackgroundBlurRadius: | (float) | radius |
Sets ref image background blur radius.
Background | blur radius. |
- (void) setRefImageBackgroundColor: | (NvsColor *) | color |
Sets the ref image background color.
color | the ref image background color |
- (void) setRefImageBackgroundMode: | (NvsSourceBackgroundMode) | variantImageBackgroundMode |
Sets ref image background mode, Background Mode (VARIANT_IMAGE_BACKGROUNDMODE)
mode | Background mode. |
- (void) setRefImageFillMode: | (NvsVariantImageFillMode) | variantImageBackgroundMode |
Sets ref image background mode, Fill Mode.
mode | Fill mode. |
- (void) setRefImageSize: | (NvsSize) | refImageSize |
- (void) setSourceBackgroundColor: | (NvsColor *) | color |
Sets the background color.
color | the background color |
- (void) setSourceBackgroundMode: | (NvsSourceBackgroundMode) | sourceBackgroundMode |
Sets the background mode.
sourceBackgroundMode | the background mode (ClIP_BACKGROUNDMODE) |
- (void) updateAudioForClipVideoFx |
Update the audio information in the current clip effect.
readatomicassign |
The count of audio effects on the clip.
readatomicassign |
Image clip's ending ROI (Region Of Interesting)
readwritenonatomicassign |
Whether it supports animation of images.
readwritenonatomicassign |
The motion mode of the image clip.
readwritenonatomicassign |
raw filter processes mode
readatomicassign |
The clip's role in themes (General, title and trailer).
readatomicassign |
Image clip's starting ROI (Region Of Interesting)
readatomicassign |
Type of the video clip.